Muddy Boots Preschool provides a bridge between home and school. At Muddy Boots Preschool, our philosophy is to recognise, respect and value children as individuals and offer them the best possible care in a natural and anti-bias environment where children can play and explore. The Early years are characterised by children actively learning through imitation and their own creative experience.
Teachers will ensure the child's imagination and sense of wonder is fostered through stories, songs, creative play, interaction with nature and involvement in everyday human activity. Our early childhood centre is a warm, nurturing environment filled with beautiful natural play materials and outdoor spaces with animals and gardens to care for. The children learn through play and structured activities to cook, paint, garden, sew, use tools, share and problem solve.
The rhythm of the preschool day is thoughtfully created to allow a healthy flow from free play to group time activities and structured learning experiences. This rhythmic structure provides a calming ebb and flow to the child’s day and helps to foster consistency and security.
Our program is based on the National Early Years Leaning Framework (EYLF) – ‘Belonging, Being and becoming’ for Children’s Services Learning in early childhood is particularly significant as it lays the foundation for all future learning. Our aim is to provide children with experiences and opportunities that encourage them to acquire skills, knowledge, attitudes and sensitivities that will allow them to make the most of their potential. Learning in childhood largely happens through engagement with others and the physical world. Receive the children in reverence; Educate them in love; let them go forth in freedom.
Families are encouraged to share their culture, language and home experiences with the centre. Our emphasis is on partnership with families and the greater community.
Families are encouraged to participate in the centre and decision making.
Our program is inclusive of children with additional needs and will be provided for. Programs and plans will reflect the individual child's needs, and where appropriate resource workers will be utilised.
At Muddy Boots Preschool, we believe open, honest and positive communications promotes a happy, peaceful and caring environment which is important in fostering active relationships between parents, children and staff.
We will endeavour to ensure that open, honest and positive communication about your child’s day is expressed with you during times of drop off and pick up of your child and also through parent meetings and newsletters
The centre regularly observes documents and evaluates all practices, to continually update and improve our quality of service and standard of care.
Parent involvement and co-operation at the preschool is essential for its success and it can be very rewarding. Parents are asked to assist in many ways, including visits, surveys, feedback on programming and observations, in preparation to preschool events etc. We also ask our parents, when travelling overseas to other countries to be on the look out for beautiful multicultural resources for our centre, so if you are planning a trip please see a staff member before you leave.
We also encourage the children in their travels with their families to collect natural items such as shells, pinecones, feathers, etc to bring back to preschool for use in our play.
Muddy Boots Preschool
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